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Using YAML configuration files

In both the command line and the Python module, options for video loading, training, and prediction can be set by passing a YAML file instead of passing arguments directly. YAML files (.yml or .yaml) are commonly used to serialize data in an easily readable way.

The basic structure of a YAML model configuration is:

$ cat basic_config.yaml
  model_input_height: 240
  model_input_width: 426
  total_frames: 16
  # other video loading parameters

  model_name: time_distributed
  data_dir: example_vids/
  labels: example_labels.csv
  # other training parameters, eg. batch_size

  model_name: time_distributed
  data_dir: example_vids/
  # other training parameters, eg. batch_size

For example, the configuration below will predict labels for the videos in example_vids using the time_distributed model. When videos are loaded, each will be resized to 240x426 pixels and 16 frames will be selected:

  model_input_height: 240
  model_input_width: 426
  total_frames: 16

  model_name: time_distributed
  data_dir: example_vids/

Required arguments

Either predict_config or train_config is required, based on whether you will be running inference or training a model. See All Configuration Options for a full list of what can be specified under each class. To run inference, data_dirand/or filepaths must be specified. To train a model, labels must be specified.

In video_loader_config, you must specify at least model_input_height, model_input_width, and total_frames. While this is the minimum required, we strongly recommend being intentional in your choice of frame selection method. total_frames by itself will just take the first n frames. For a full list of frame selection methods, see the section on Video loading arguments.

  • For time_distributed or european, total_frames must be 16
  • For slowfast, total_frames must be 32

Command line interface

A YAML configuration file can be passed to the command line interface with the --config argument. For example, say the example configuration above is saved as example_config.yaml. To run prediction:

$ zamba predict --config example_config.yaml

Only some of the possible parameters can be passed directly as arguments to the command line. Those not listed in zamba predict --help or zamba train --help must be passed in a YAML file (see the Quickstart guide for details).

Python package

The main API for zamba is the ModelManager class that can be accessed with:

from zamba.models.model_manager import ModelManager

The ModelManager class is used by zamba’s command line interface to handle preprocessing the filenames, loading the videos, training the model, performing inference, and saving predictions. Therefore any functionality available to the command line interface is accessible via the ModelManager class.

To instantiate the ModelManager based on a configuration file saved at test_config.yaml:

>>> manager = ModelManager.from_yaml('test_config.yaml')

We can now run inference or model training without specifying any additional parameters, because they are already associated with our instance of the ModelManager class. To run inference or training:

manager.predict() # inference

manager.train() # training

In our user tutorials, we refer to train_model and predict_model functions. The ModelManager class calls these same functions behind the scenes when .predict() or .train() is run.

Default configurations

In the command line, the default configuration for each model is passed in using a specified YAML file that ships with zamba. You can see the default configuration YAML files on Github in the config.yaml file within each model's folder.

For example, the default configuration for the time_distributed model is:

    scheduler: MultiStepLR
      gamma: 0.5
      - 3
      verbose: true
  model_name: time_distributed
    backbone_initial_ratio_lr: 0.01
    multiplier: 1
    pre_train_bn: true
    train_bn: false
    unfreeze_backbone_at_epoch: 3
    verbose: true
    patience: 5
  model_input_height: 240
  model_input_width: 426
  crop_bottom_pixels: 50
  fps: 4
  total_frames: 16
  ensure_total_frames: true
    confidence: 0.25
    fill_mode: score_sorted
    n_frames: 16
  model_name: time_distributed
public_checkpoint: time_distributed_9e710aa8c92d25190a64b3b04b9122bdcb456982.ckpt


To make modifying the existing defaults easier, we've set up the official models as templates in the templates folder. Just fill in your data directory and labels, make any desired tweaks to the model config, and then kick off some training. Happy modeling!